Weekly classes in brief: venue and online

Full details – dates and costs: scroll down
12pm – Online
5.15pm – Venue staff class (Southmead Hospital)
7pm – Venue Stoke Bishop BS9
12pm – Online
5.30pm – Venue staff class (DACBeachcroft LLP)
10am – Venue Long Ashton BS41
12.15pm – Venue Stoke Bishop BS9

Gary Osborn-Clarke has been teaching yoga since 2002 and practising yoga since 1995 – for more details, go to https://www.yogabristol.co.uk/teacher/
Gary’s classes focus on yoga asanas (postures/exercises), his style is based on BKS Iyengar’s methods mixed with the influence of the flow of Ashtanga Vinyasa. It is a traditional approach, based on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: asanas (postures), dhyana (meditation) and pranayamas (breathing exercises).
Read what his students say, see Testimonials page: click https://www.yogabristol.co.uk/testimonials/

Yoga classes in venues

Single payments/pay as you go: Pay for classes you attend – pay in advance or on the day. Online payment is recommended, but cash payment at class also possible. Contact me to book.
Book a term: Pay the term in one go and save money, payment required in advance. Note: missed classes are not refundable and are not carried over into following term; but you can catch up missed venue classes via my online classes (if used within same term period). Contact me to book.

Stoke Bishop, Bristol BS9
MONDAY 7pm to 8.30pm
(90 mins)
Single payment: £12.50
This term: June 3rd to July 22nd (8 weeks)
Next term: September 2nd to October 21st (8 weeks)
Block payment: September 2nd to October 21st (8 weeks) = £88 (8 x £11 per class)
Venue: Stoke Bishop Primary School, Main Hall, Cedar Park, Bristol BS9 1BW (car parking available in playground).
Off-street parking available: entrance to right of main building, use lower gate and park in playground – hall entrance from playground not school’s front entrance. Google map link: Stoke Bishop school location
Picture of hall:

Long Ashton, Bristol BS41
FRIDAY 10am to 11.15am
(75 mins)
Single payment: £11
This term: June 7th to July 19th (7 weeks)
Next term: September 6th to October 25th (8 weeks)
Block payment: September 6th to October 25th (8 weeks) = £76 (8 weeks @ £9.50 per class)
Venue: Long Ashton Community Centre, Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DR – free car parking available; located just 4 miles from Bristol city centre.
Google map link: Long Ashton Community Centre location
Picture of hall with Covid-secure class – social distancing :

Westbury-on-Trym/Stoke Bishop, Bristol BS9
FRIDAY 12.15pm to 1.15pm
(60 mins)
Single payment: £10.50
This term: June 7th to July 19th (7 weeks)
Next term: August 30th to October 25th (9 weeks)
Block payment: August 30th to October 25th = £81 (9 weeks)(9 weeks @ £9 per class)
Venue: Scout Hall, Northcote, Great Brockeridge, Westbury on Trym, Bristol BS9 3TY; small car park on site and street parking.
Google map link: Scout Hall location
Picture of hall with Covid-secure class – social distancing:

Please note:: General policy with block (term) bookings, missed classes are not refundable nor carried over into following term, but but you can catch up missed venue classes via my online classes (if used withing same term period).

Staff classes in offices

MONDAY – Southmead Hospital – staff class
5.15pm to 6.15pm
10-class blocks: work at Southmead Hospital and want to join? Contact Gary for more details.
Venue: Seminar rooms at Learning and Research building, Southmead Hospital (NHS North Bristol), Bristol BS10 5NB.
Contact me gary@yogabristol.co.uk

WEDNESDAY – staff venue class (DAC Beachcroft LLP)
5.30pm-6.30pm (60 mins)
Member of DACB and want to join? Contact Gary for more details.
Venue: Portwall Place, Portwall Ln, Bristol BS1 6NB
Contact me gary@yogabristol.co.uk

Online live yoga classes

JOIN my classes on Zoom any week: to pay for class and get Zoom link, contact me via email: gary@yogabristol.co.uk.


12pm – 1pm

12pm – 1pm

Want to know more? See Testimonials page, go to https://www.yogabristol.co.uk/testimonials/online-yoga-testimonials/
Doubts, reluctant to try yoga online? SCREEN FATIGUE? Tired of looking at a screen?
Try my yoga online classes: they focus on you and your yoga practice, not the screens.
See feedback about online classes below, and on Testimonials page.

Flexible: Pay for your classes, and join when you can, no booking of class needed, plus you can attend more than one class per week.
To pay send me an email and I will reply with bank details from payment.

Single class: £10 per class
Block of classes:
2 classes for £16
4 classes for £32
Pay for a block and then decide which class to attend (no need to book class time).
Please note: Block payment is valid for 3 months from purchase.

My virtual door is open.

Depending on the device used, you might need to download the Zoom app (eg moble phones and tablets), but with a PC and laptop clicking to allow Zoom to run when starting a class. Contact me for help; or for details about how it works see Zoom website see https://zoom.us/
Email me gary@yogabristol.co.uk for details.

Please note disclaimer: I am not responsible for accidents in own home during a yoga class, eg furniture etc close to you during class.

Feedback for online classes:

“Gary’s classes have kept me sane during lockdown and I’m now a convert to online yoga. He manages to fit in so much content, as well as a proper relaxation session at the end. Because it’s a live session, Gary can advise on postures just like an in-person class and I love not having to drive home afterwards.” Nic G, May 2021

“Being able to do your yoga classes online during lockdown was incredibly helpful and helped me maintain peace, calm and well-being – one of the highlights of lockdown! It’s inspired me to get back to regular practice. Thank you Gary.” Charlotte C, August 2020

Feedback from venue classes:

“I’ve done yoga with a number of teachers over the years in Bristol and elsewhere, and Gary is up there with the best. Here’s why. Firstly, he uses a consistent routine which which means that after doing his class for a few years I know the poses so can concentrate on the important stuff such as breathing, noticing what changed from last time I did a particular pose, being in the moment. Having said that, Gary also makes sufficient changes week by week to keep things interesting.
Another key thing that Gary gets right (and is not easy) is to speak the right amount. So in terms of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, he doesn’t talk too much, or too little; he gets it just right.” – Jim R, August 2018

More feedback on Testimonials page at https://www.yogabristol.co.uk/testimonials/

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    General information about yoga classes

            • All levels of experience welcome: Yoga classes are open to everyone, from beginner to experienced, as Gary offers options with the difficult exercises, so everyone can take part and those with more experience can also enjoy the classes.
            • Each class begins with a warm up (downward dog/upward dog, and sun salutations). The class includes a sequence of psotures, including standing, seated hip openers and forward bends, twists, backbends, and some class inversions. EAch week Gary there is a focus on certain types of posture, eg forward bends, or twists, or back exercises. All classes end with relaxation and some include a short meditation and pranayamas. Gary combines detailed instructions with a flowing class of exercises.
            • Gary teaches a mindfulness-based yoga practice, with emphasis on developing our self-awareness, by establishing a connection between our body, breath and mind.
            • The basis of yoga is learning to breathe efficiently and healthily – Gary places a lot of emphasis on our breath and how to cultivate it.
            • If you want to learn and also challenge yourself, yet feel relaxed and revitalised; come along to a class and see for yourself – you can join the general public classes any week and attend as often as you like.

More information about classes:

            • Wear comfortable clothing suitable for exercise; bring something warm to wear or a blanket for relaxation at end of each class; and ideally, do not eat meals before session – allow 4 hours after large meal, and about 2 hours after light meal.
            • The best way to know if Gary’s style of teaching yoga is for you, is to come along and see for yourself (and you have any questions, contact Gary).

Yoga classes

“If we really follow one direction in yoga as far as we can go, then it will lead us along all paths of yoga.”
—TKV Desikachar