Happy New Year to you all, Most years I post something to mark the New Year, and some years I forget to! Or, like this year I have decided to repost last year’s article! A bit lazy I know, but the message of a brand new piece would be the same. New year symbolises a fresh start, a beginning, and […]
more >Inside Yoga 330 28/6/2024 Disclaimer before I kick off: this is not about Euros currently taking place on football pitches in Germany! This article is about how we achieve what we aim for with our yoga/meditation but without having goals during our practice. The root of this message is the advice that a grasping mind does not get what it […]
more >Inside Yoga 329 (01/6/2024) For several years we have had an allotment, or rather my partner has, and I have only gone there to do the odd job, build a polytunnel, repair a water butt, but rarely did I do some gardening work in the soil itself. This was her domain, her space, not mine, but recently we decided it […]
more >Inside Yoga 328 (7/1/2024) Welcome to 2024. A new year, a fresh start, time for a new year’s resolution, and many more ideas surround the new year, because for us, this day represents something new, a chance to make changes, but why do we place such importance on just another day? One view could well say, well, why not? It […]
more >Inside yoga 327 I recently read a news story about a Tik Tok influencer who claims to have started a “movement” and told her almost 50,000 followers that they should try “silent walking”. The Los Angeles based podcast host Mady Maio, who is 28, claims to have invented a new exercise trend which consists of walking outside with no earphones. […]
more >Inside Yoga 326 (19/2/2023) I recently spent about four months clearing out my parents’ family home, the house where I grew up, so nearly 60 years of memories, both emotional and physical; and a major process in letting go. And importantly, and purpose of this article, as anyone who has been through this experience will know, it is amazing the […]
more >Inside Yoga 325 (1/1/2023) Happy new year to you all; may your dreams and aspirations come true; it is a new beginning, a fresh start, or, for some people, this is not a beginning, nor is an end, but just another day. But for the majority of us, the New Year means resolutions are made and expectations are heightened, but […]
more >In Memoriam HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022 Inside Yoga 324 (18/9/2022) When we lose someone we care about, our feelings of loss and grief can be felt in numerous ways, and when it comes to the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II we as a nation, and for many across the world, have felt this loss as if […]
more >Inside Yoga 323 (10/7/2022) Getting better can be a slow and frustrating journey, but do we allow for this? By and large, we don’t, instead we view recovery – whether it is from illness or surgery – as something which should be quicker. As a society, we have forgotten about convalescence which was historically – that is, up until the […]
more >Inside Yoga 322 (30/5/2022) Our busy lives are made up of multiple parts, which when it is going well are all positioned in the right place, like a completed jigsaw puzzle, but when something happens to throw a piece out of place then it can feel like the whole puzzle is ruined, or rather our life is now in chaos […]
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