“I was fortunately able to attend Gary’s Saturday yoga workshop on April 20th. Despite being a ‘regular’ at his weekly classes for many years, the dates of his workshops for the last few years had always clashed with other things in my diary and I had missed them. However, it was well worth the wait and the morning workshop was every bit as enjoyable and beneficial as I remembered. Having a full three hours to focus on the yoga flows, poses, meditation and breathing exercises is such a luxury and is so good for the body and soul. Gary keeps the pace of the workshop moving along nicely and the time flies by. As you would expect, Gary’s instruction is expert and authentic – keeping a watchful eye on the participants, making minor corrections or giving further instruction, as required. Throughout the workshop, Gary gives alternative poses or options to cater for different levels of experience and abilities (I’m afraid my days of handstands are behind me), and for those with injuries – everyone can work at their own level and with Gary’s encouragement can hold a few seconds longer and twist or stretch a tiny bit further! I left the workshop feeling lighter physically and mentally and resolving to make sure that I attend the autumn one! I would recommend these workshops to anyone who loves yoga.” –
Tracy C, May 2024

“A heartfelt thank you for the brilliant workshop this morning (Saturday April 20th). It’s been many years since I’ve felt confident and comfortable enough to try some of the more challenging yoga inversions. But your genuinely clear and accurate direction made me feel that I had nothing to lose by giving it a try. I left feeling incredibly elated. Proof that I feel I can continue to enjoy and develop my yoga practice even as I get older! Thanks Gary. I’ll definitely be back.” – Rachel B, April 2024

“The workshop was just the reset I needed after a break from regular classes. The longer session allowed you time to refine each posture and Gary differentiated the poses to suit a range of abilities. I admit I was worried about the last part of the session, the breathing exercises or pranayamas, but Gary broke it down into manageable bite-sized chunks. I left feeling taller, lighter and re-energised. Would definitely recommend!” – Lucy C, June 2023

“Many thanks for the workshop last Saturday, I found it really useful, mainly because I am relying mostly on my morning routine at home. I found the last hour the most challenging; I don’t think I have ever sat still on the floor for that long and I do find it difficult to concentrate during the breathing exercises, but I guess that is the benefit of practicing them!” – Tom, Nov 2019

“Thank you for the workshop on Saturday. It is super demanding for you I think to keep a three-hour session moving along seamlessly in the expert way that you did. Hats off to you! It’s a good venue and is quiet and warm. Some days I just feel like I’m a sandbag and that was how it was last Fri /Sat. I was tired and had not had any of my exercise classes for a couple of weeks. I still enjoyed the longer-than usual exercises section though and it flew by. I appreciate being able to find my own level – no headstands for me!
“I do find it quite difficult to stay focused in the breathing exercises. I loved the mindfulness sections at the start and finish. They are quite a revelation in a way I cannot and actually don’t want to put a label on.
“Try as I might to do any of these things on my own, it’s never as effective as it is in a class.” – Alison, Nov 2019

“Thank you for the workshop, I really enjoyed it. I particularly liked the opportunity to get into the breathing exercises a bit more, and to make yoga a bit more of a focus for my day. I’ll definitely attend again, when I can.” – Sylvia Holliman, Nov 2019

“Really enjoyed the (workshop) last Saturday (June 9), Gary. Thanks. A challenging yet very therapeutic three hours which left me feeling relaxed and invigorated, mind and body. I’ll admit the hour on breathing and meditation at the end was the biggest challenge for me. I don’t easily sit still for long! Something to work on. I’ll definitely look out for your November workshop.” – Chris Stevens, June 2018

“I really enjoyed your session (yoga workshop June 9)… and (was ) completely chilled out when I got home. I ended up going to sleep at 9:15pm and waking up on Sunday at 7:30am. It felt like a complete reboot. I loved it.” – Sarah Dodd, June 2018

“I do hope to come to the (next) workshop, having really enjoyed the session on Saturday (April 21). I particularly appreciated you checking with me re the injuries, and also I was very happy that you are so comfortable with silence! A lot of facilitators seem unwilling to let go of ‘leading’ and talk through meditations (which can be fine of course) but it was refreshing to just be allowed silence.” – Rachel B, April 2018

“Many thanks for the wonderful workshop on Saturday. The extra space and time meant that I was able to ease myself further into better alignment. I was very pleased with my progress. I found myself happily tired and content afterwards – and slept long and deep which was glorious. Looking forward to the next one.” – Louise Chapman, June 2017

“I’ve only just taken up yoga recently – I’d done a bit online but was happy to have found your class in Long Ashton. I’d been joking to family that one of my goals (probably not that achievable, I’d thought ) was to be able to do a headstand at some point in the future. (The last one was roughly 50 years ago.)
Saturday’s workshop was great – like the classes- friendly, and supportive with clear instruction. After all the back stretching, shoulder opening etc. etc., the headstand moment came –everyone seemed to be having fun trying, but my shoulders and neck are often quite tight and I thought I probably wouldn’t be able to get even half way there. I looked down the line at my daughter-in-law – ‘You need to do this’ she said – TWICE!. And then I did! Amazing. I’m absolutely delighted!
Thank you again for your steady, clear instructions in both class and workshop – I feel so much better.” – Judith Gibbison, June 2017

“Thank you so much for your wonderful workshop on Saturday (March 11), it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done! I’ve already recommended you to several friends. You explained everything so clearly and I felt really supported during the practice. My body and mind feel both reconnected and at peace. You are right Yoga is meditation! Can’t wait for the next one! Very best wishes.” – Emma Graham, March 2017

“I had a great time at the yoga workshop on Saturday (March 11) – as always, your tuition was amazing!” Beverley Duggan, March 2017″

“I recently attended Gary’s three-hour workshop (June 11) and wanted to say how beneficial and enjoyable I found it. The two hours of asanas was intensive and effective, and perfectly paced so that those of us who were out of practice (!) could easily keep up feel unpressurised which was a relief, and made it feel very inclusive. I particularly liked hearing Gary’s introductions to various poses and learnt about the purpose/benefits of what we were doing, and this gave an added dimension and mindfulness to what we were practising. The pranayama session (last hour) felt hugely effective after the dynamic asanas, and I left feeling invigorated and restful in equal measures. If like me you haven’t done yoga for a while, sessions like this will remind you why you love it, and encourage you to do it more..!” – Charlotte C, June 2016

“Thank you for such a wonderful workshop, it was set at the perfect level so that beginners and advanced could enjoy it.” – Francesca Strode, June 2016

“Thank you for the excellent yoga workshop on Saturday (June 11). I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of it and learned a lot.” – Claire Stewart, June 2016

“I just wanted to thank you for this afternoon (yoga workshop). What a wonderful yoga session. I hadn’t had the best week and almost cancelled this morning. But I am so glad I pushed myself to come. I loved all of it; extended on a few positions I haven’t quite managed before.
“I loved the meditation session and in particular your talk on contentedness v happiness. Truly inspirational and peace giving. I will be back.” Jo L, June 2016

“Gary was one of my first yoga teachers when I lived in Bristol eight years ago. Coming back to his classes (at the start of this year) has really helped build my confidence as I can see how I have progressed. Gary is patient and offers the perfect corrections that help click the position into place. His musings on meditation are really on point and I always leave a class feeling reflective on what I have learnt not just in asanas but in the spaces in between and in the final pranayama. I would recommend his classes for all levels of ability.
“I recently attended his three-hour workshop (March 5) which I would also highly recommend. The opportunity to go deeper into asana and pranayama is really helpful and I picked up some perfect tips. Gary has the ability to cope really well with all class sizes and no matter how big or small the class he makes you feel like you are having a one on one. Thank you!” – Tori Rogers, March 2016

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer seven years ago and, very fortunately, made a very good recovery after a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. When I started taking Gary’s yoga classes at my workplace in 2014 I informed him of my medical background and my concern that some positions may not be suitable for me as I am at continued risk of developing Lymphodoema in my arm plus I have permanent limited mobility in that shoulder from the surgery. Amazingly (given the number of students Gary must teach every week) he remembers this issue and will suggest alternatives so that I can continue to feel included in the class. I’ve noticed that he also continually pays attention to others who might have other issues, from beginners to those carrying injuries, so it’s not just me who benefits from his watchful style of coaching.
“I have a very busy job which regularly becomes stressful. I’ve learnt that regular attendance at Gary’s classes is part of my coping mechanism and I very quickly miss any sessions that I can’t attend.
“I took part in my first 3 hour workshop last Saturday at David Lloyd in Long Ashton and found the final hour of meditation of particular benefit as it left me feeling very relaxed for the remainder of the weekend, ready to face the challenges of the new week.” – JW, March 2016

“My daughter and I attended the workshop on the March 5. Ava is currently right in the middle of a stressful time of A levels and intense studying. She had only done yoga as a young child and was inquisitive about the benefits of yoga for relaxation. We both found the practices energising and challenging which kept us focussed throughout. The meditation practice and techniques were really calming and I hope that this will help her when pressure of studying increases. She is now wanting to book onto the June 11 workshop and also is looking at your class in Stoke Bishop [Mondays 7pm to 8.30]. She’s hooked!! As for me I have been trying to tell both my daughters about the amazing benefits of yoga for many years. I think they just needed to experience it for themselves. I think it should be taught in every school. Thank you Gary, it was also wonderful to see a packed room. I have never been to a workshop quite so well attended. The energy was good.” – Rachel Parry, March 2016

“Just wanted to thank you for a very enjoyable workshop (March 5). As you know, I am just starting my journey into yoga. I suffer from depression, and I can whole heartedly say I have seen improvements in my health, both body and mind due to yoga and your teachings. Many Thanks, Namaste.” – Carla E, March 2016

“Have been attending Gary’s classes for more than a year now. It is really convenient that he comes to our office so I can fit in nicely the yoga practice into my busy lifestyle. Gary is very precise in his teaching, so both our breathing technique and the postures are constantly refined, adjusted. Such a nice relaxing and refreshing way to finish a busy day in the office. I also highly recommend the workshops Gary organises. It is a great way of further mastering the yoga techniques. These workshops are longer as the usual lessons, so there is plenty of time to focus on on physical exercises, breathing and meditation as well.”- Tibor Bicsak DAC Beachcroft LLP, February 2016

Thanks very much Gary, Emily and I were very pleased that we attended (November 28 workshop). It was excellent having more time to focus on the postures and to learn more about technique. In particular, it was beneficial to have more time to breathe into and relax into the postures. In addition, having a whole hour at the end to focus on breathing and meditation was a real joy especially in the busy and stressful run-up to Christmas. Although we didn’t know many of the other workshop participants we felt that there was a nice atmosphere and energy in the class which also enhanced our experience and contributed to our feeling of well-being.
I was particularly pleased to have been able to do something I had not done before and did not know I was capable of (it was only having my feet up against the wall but it certainly pleased me!) and Emily’s objective in practicing yoga is to retain her flexibility and build strength in her core and upper body and the workshop gave her extra impetus to keep going with yoga which is a struggle to fit in to her busy schedule.
Overall, great teaching and a lovely way to start the weekend (although we really ached on Sunday!).- Rachel Ferris, November 2015

“This weekend’s breathing workshop was just what I needed. I’ve been stupidly busy at work lately and have fallen out of rhythm with my practice, so it was a last-minute decision to scramble out of bed and turn up at the venue. I’m so glad I did. A restorative combination of slow, gentle yoga postures and seated pranayama. Plenty of time in savasana (relaxation posture) too. I left feeling much calmer and lighter. Would thoroughly recommend to lapsed yogis and newbies alike. Thanks Gary.” – Natalie H, March 2015

“I recently supplemented my private lessons with a three hour workshop and came out feeling fantastic – relaxed, energised and balanced!” [see full Testimonial on Private Tuition page] – Felicity B, Jan 2015

I have now been to a number of Gary’s yoga and meditation workshops and would thoroughly recommend them to anyone in need of a bit of stress relief or just a few hours of ‘me time’. I admit to initially feeling daunted by the length of the session but I needn’t have worried – Gary breaks the session down into small manageable chunks, so that the time flies by. The Complete Practice workshop is split into two sections: the first part focuses on a variety of yoga postures whilst the last part involves practicing a series breathing exercises, both of which Gary guides you through, step-by-step. I left the session feeling much lighter, both in body and mind! – Lucy Cowles-Brooks, Sep 2014

“Having taken a 10 year break from yoga, I was a bit apprehensive about getting back into it. However, I really enjoyed my first session at one of Gary’s evening classes and even though I found it challenging I got quickly back into it with some helpful instruction from Gary. The evening classes are a perfect mix of yoga and breathing exercises and have become one of the highlights of my week. Gary is the best yoga teacher I’ve had and I really like the format of his classes plus his useful teachings and insights on both yoga and meditation practice. The weekly classes and workshops, which help to deepen both of these practices, have helped me manage back pain and stress much more effectively.” – Mel Randhawa, April 2014

“Today’s Breathing and Stress Reduction workshop was excellent. Wish I could bottle this and send it to my patients. Would make my life a lot easier.” – Dr Lynn Thompson (GP), March 2014

“I have attended a few of Gary’s saturday extended morning workshops and have found them to be a really positive experience – being able to more fully engage and immerse oneself into the practice. Gary communicates really well on the subject and this is clearly from a deep interest as well as many years of experience practicing and teaching. I can definitely say that my own yoga practice has improved as a result of attendance.” – Myles Furr March 2014

“I have been coming to Gary’s yoga classes for a while now, I suffer with frequent migraines and advanced arthritis in my hip due to congenital hip dysplasia. The result of these ailments is that I have taken over 2,500 strong painkillers in the last 5 years (possibly more). I’m 36 now and know that this is not a sustainable way to live. I was starting to get even worse headaches from taking the painkillers amongst other side effects!
“I recently attended one of Gary’s workshops which is a longer session of 3 hrs, so there is time to really focus on the breath and meditation practice. I can be a fidgety anxious person at times. A few days after attending the workshop I got my usual monthly migraine in the evening, I unconsciously reached for the painkillers and for the first time I stopped and decided not to. I lay down and concentrated on my breath, (something that was fresh in my mind from the yoga classes), I was able to observe my usual racing thoughts that come at a time like this. I watched myself stressing about the migraine. Was I going to feel sick? Was it going to be a really bad one with a thumping headache? Was one side of face going to feel numb? Will I feel like death tomorrow? Oh no I have so much to do tomorrow….. and so it goes on. I realised that none of this was going to help me and what will be will be. As I concentrated on my breath my anxiety came down and down until I had feeling of calm, this was physically tangible, not just psychological. All I knew after that was that the sun was coming up and the birds were singing and I had no headache, just a really good night’s sleep.” – Nicola H, Feb 2014

“I started attending yoga classes over 2 years ago. I have been practising yoga (on and off) for 15 years; I crawled into his first class recovering from broken ribs. I was unaware that the impact from my rib had misaligned the hip and I was astonished to find that I couldn’t sit cross legged without pain; something I have been doing easily all my life. Within a few weeks under Gary’s instruction I was soon sitting comfortably cross legged once more, the yoga postures quickly helped my body to realign.
“I attend Gary’s classes at work, my job is busy and stressful, I often arrive with my head full of thoughts and in a stressed state, within minutes my mind clears and I think only of the postures and breathing or simply nothing.
“Gary has a very authoritative way; I am very impressed with the way he commands a large mixed class (25-40 men and women), they listen and do exactly as he says, very impressive. I see some men come to his class for the first time, unable to move their muscled bodies into the basic positions, within weeks under Gary’s guidance they get there. Most keep coming back and I have seen his classes continually increase in size as word gets around; a testament to Gary’s ability as a first rate instructor.
“Gary runs longer workshops on Saturday mornings, these are a great way to start the weekend and to master the postures and breathing techniques.
“In our busy lives, we often say we don’t have the time to do these things; Gary’s classes give time and space back to ‘me’; essential in our hectic lives. My mind and body feel nourished.” – Beverley W, Feb 2014

“I had regularly gone to Gary’s workshops in previous years, but for about a year I stopped going.  At some point I realised that something was missing in my life and I decided to renew my practice and came to this summer’s workshop.  I cannot remember when I felt so good! After the workshop, I felt that I could do tons of work without being tired and exhausting my mental energy, I felt like wanting to do things, even mundane, even my admin, which I usually find tedious (does not everyone?).  In short, I found that vital energy and love to life again.  We all need from time to time to see a new perspective in life and Gary’s workshops help me to see my life at a different angle. All we do is yoga and pranayama, but this practice, actually, in combination with Gary’s inspirational teaching, help you to get rid of repetitive thoughts and old ideas, which seem to dominate your mind at times, such ideas become so unimportant and distant and your mind starts ticking in the more productive and positive direction.” – Maria G, June 2013

“I’ve never experienced anything quite like Gary’s yoga and meditation workshops. It is for me a very rare opportunity to spend three hours completely switched off from the world. It’s difficult to describe the sense of total and absolute relaxation that I always reach by the end of the sessions. Any worries I may have about work, family or finances all seem to fade away. I can’t recommend the workshops enough.” – Lee D, November 2012

“I was initially rather daunted by a full 3 hour’s workshop as I have only been practicing yoga for around six months (and only 1 hour a week) but I wanted to take things a little further. I need not have worried – Gary made the time fly by very quickly and successfully managed to cater for the varying abilities of the people attending. I also enjoyed the meditation session far more than I was expecting as Gary broke this down into bite sized, manageable sections of ten minutes or so. I will certainly attend another of these workshops” — Tracy C, May 2012

After a yoga workshop: “I cannot stop myself from expressing the joy I felt after today’s workshop. I wanted to come to the session and I feel so good after it. It feels like that I only truly live on the day when I go to these workshops.”
— Maria G Oct 2010

“I would like you to know that I felt the classes did me good, increased my strength and flexibility and awareness. I also enjoyed the workshop we came to – a good balance of the various elements of yoga – physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation. Thank you!”
— Lynda N Dec 2010