“Gary’s classes have kept me sane during lockdown and I’m now a convert to online yoga. He manages to fit in so much content, as well as a proper relaxation session at the end. Because it’s a live session, Gary can advise on postures just like an in-person class and I love not having to drive home afterwards.” – Nic G, May 2021

Feedback from a student who attended my online yoga for first time: “Well I’m a convert. I absolutely loved that session. Many thanks. I was supposed to be on a yoga retreat this weekend. So I feel I haven’t missed out completely, best wishes.” – Rachel P, November 6th, 2020

“Being able to do your yoga classes online during lockdown was incredibly helpful and helped me maintain peace, calm and well-being – one of the highlights of lockdown! It’s inspired me to get back to regular practice. Thank you Gary.” Charlotte C, August 2020

“Thoroughly enjoyed the class. Regretting I hadn’t joined earlier.” JH, June, 2020

“I have enjoyed the last two classes you have taken. I find it helpful that you are instructing rather than showing/doing as I find it makes me concentrate far more on the posture itself and how it feels, rather than how it looks!” – Chloe H, June 2020

“I practiced yoga with Gary about 8 years ago in Bristol. Then I moved to the countryside, had more children, life got much busier and it was impossible to make a class. I have continued to practice yoga by myself at home but have always missed my lessons with Gary. The silver lining to Covid-19 is that I can now get to Gary’s yoga classes again, via Zoom.
I have been pleasantly surprised how easy it is to join a zoom class and how relaxing it is. It’s suited to those with some yoga experience but you do not need to be an expert as Gary can see you and can tell you how to correct your posture. I highly recommend!” Dr Katie D, May 2020.

“Thanks again for the class tonight! It was so much better than any other class I’ve done online. Quite a few other online classes have been similar to doing a YouTube video, but with yours it felt like I was actually in the class! Your feedback throughout the class and describing the adjustments were really helpful and will really help me to improve my practice – something I haven’t had with the other classes.” Kate B, April 2020

Feedback sent to me by yoga students at start of lockdown in 2020

I thought the class was great this morning; I was skeptical of you not doing the moves with us but it worked much better that way. I could follow everything and I liked that you could get say ‘Sarah other leg ‘ etc and correct what I was doing like you normally would. I found it easy to do at home and more relaxing than coming to a class in a way as I didn’t have to get anywhere! I liked a morning class. Tx for setting it up. It’s actually really mentally healthy for me to go back to yoga with you right now; so I appreciate you doing it. – SH

In your class, all that need to concentrate on the teachers movements was removed so I could focus on what you were saying and the postures only. Much better.

I thought the class went really well and I think it’s great you’re continuing online. KH

I enjoyed Monday night, a chance to zone out! – AG

Thought you did really well I have to get my head round it all. Not to mention the cat deciding downward dogs should not be allowed in his house However he was most impressed with the relaxation part! – CM

I felt rather than miss a valued part of my week it was good. The mind doesn’t wander as much and as one of your pupils said we don’t spend time looking at you 😂. – BOC

I liked the format where you talk and observe and give feedback as necessary, rather than demo the pose. Having come to a fair number of your classes in the past I don’t really look at you for the poses I already know even when in a real-life class. – MW

Thanks Gary really enjoyed that. As you say the familiarity of it is very calming. And doing it with the noise of the family in the background going about their daily stuff was actually better than being in the office. I normally miss out on that. – DP

Thank you Gary. That was just what I needed. I woke up today feeling very twitchy and emotional. It did feel a bit weird to start with – I felt a bit self -conscious – but I settled into it. So thank you very much. BO