Not knowing, conspiracy theories, beliefs and certainty

Category : General advice, Philosophy 7th April 2020

Inside Yoga 299 (7/4/20) Us humans like to know what is happening, we need to know why and what will happen, we really do not like uncertainty and not knowing, and this is why we are seeing so much chatter on social media and news platforms at present surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, with theories bouncing off the virtual wall of […]

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In stressful times what do we do?

Category : General advice, Philosophy 2nd April 2020

Inside Yoga 298 (2/4/2020) We are living in extraordinary times: through history we have often heard these words. Meditation teachers have used this expression to highlight the need to be attentive and mindful of what is happening right now and not to let our mind wander off into future planning or past reflections, but now, today, it has more poignancy […]

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Our animal instincts are taking over: bog roll stock piling

Category : General advice, Philosophy 21st March 2020

Inside Yoga 297 (21/3/2020) Last week we witnessed the selfishness of so many people who emptied the shelves of any type of toilet paper. Things have progressed since to everything being stockpiled including paper for home schooling, but back to the bog roll, why the run on it? There was a good joke doing the rounds: when one person coughs, […]

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Silencing our thoughts

Category : Asanas (Postures), General advice, Philosophy 10th February 2020

Inside Yoga 293 (10/2/2020) When meditating we seek to avoid thinking and if a thought does arise we aim to drop it swiftly and without delay, yet some thoughts are more stubborn than others. How do we stop our thoughts in their tracks? There is no doubt that meditating requires effort and determination, because even if we sit still for […]

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Retreating to win

Category : General advice, Philosophy 3rd February 2020

Inside Yoga 292 (3/2/2020) There are times when we just need a break from everything, when all we want is a moment to retreat from the demands the world, and most of the time, the idea of a running off to a far-off place though the most appealing option is the least practical and unlikely to happen… especially if we […]

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Life’s journey through uncertainty

Category : General advice, Philosophy 20th January 2020

Inside Yoga 291 (20/1/2020) Many of us spend a lot of our time worrying, whether it is something we regret in the past or something we might face in the future, either way, anxiety is there, because we do not feel certain about things. Pliny wrote a long time ago, “There is nothing certain but uncertainty.” Of course, there are […]

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New year’s resolutions

Category : General advice, Philosophy 6th January 2020

Inside Yoga 289 (6/1/2020) We are back to the beginning again, with a near year, and this time it’s a new decade, so we are possibly filled with greater expectations? But does a new year make any difference? The start of another year is usually filled with resolutions to “start as we mean to go on”, to make changes, and […]

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All change!

Category : General advice, Philosophy 14th October 2019

Inside Yoga 282 (14/10/2019) As we move through the transition season of autumn, leaving summer far behind and with the cold of winter on the horizon, it is a reminder that change is all around us. Change is one of the facts of life that we cannot ignore, even though we do our best to ignore or resist it. In […]

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Yoga offers us a base

Category : Asanas (Postures), Philosophy 30th September 2019

Inside Yoga 280 (30/9/2019) Yoga is a practice which offers us a base where we can seek refuge and rebalance our self, ready for the world beyond our own body and mind. This is one of the reasons why our yoga practice is designed to be repetitive, with its postures, breathing and meditation, because we use them to ground ourselves […]

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Yoga: moving to stillness

Category : General advice, Philosophy 16th September 2019

Inside Yoga 278 (16/9/2019) Last week I wrote about the importance of stillness in yoga and why the aim to find stillness is so important, but what about movement? How can moving help us find stillness? We are people who can get stuck, often emotionally and mentally and our body responds accordingly. There are times when our bodies feel stuck, […]

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