I want an extra day between Saturday and Sunday

Category : Asanas (Postures), General advice, Philosophy 20th November 2016

How Yoga will help you
Inside Yoga 184 (21/11/16)

How many of us find ourselves wanting more time, especially at the weekend? How about an extra day between Saturday and Sunday? Would that do it? But since we cannot conjure up an extra day, what can we do about this?

I thought about this, because here I am on Sunday feeling exhausted and not ready for Monday… I need more time and more rest! But hold on, surely it’s been a busy week so this feeling is to be expected, but then I realised that I feel like this most Sundays! So what can do about it?

Perhaps I should not be looking for this extra day between Saturday and Sunday, because let’s face it, this will not happen. So what can I do?

Fighting time is one of the causes of suffering, stress and anxiety among us.

So if we cannot change the number of days in the week then perhaps we should change our activities? But work will not let us do that, and our family will not let us do that – my daughter still needs to go to her swimming lesson and other activities on Saturday regardless of how I feel in the morning!

I just need to accept that this is how it is. Easier said than done many would say, but part of the solution to my Sunday fatigue and anxiety about what lies ahead is the acceptance and surrender of what is happening.

The meditation practice of mindfulness teaches how to observe and accept what is happening in the moment – to note (label) the experience and feeling. So that we can become calmer and more at ease with ourselves, because although the list of chores might not have disappeared what will go away is the negative reaction I was feeling towards this mountain I have to climb.

If we focus on being present, simply being still and breathing slowly we can notice that at that very moment in time we feel fine, because the problems weighing us down are a thought of the future – and if this is stuff to be dealt with in future days why dwell on them during the days preceding? Remove the thought and there is more chance of the bad feelings disappearing.

Still, you might say easier than done! This is where the physical nature of yoga asanas (postures), along with breathing and meditation can help shift this fog of despair and anxiety (or perhaps a mild irritation at the things on our plate). As many know a good walk or run can shake of negative feelings and emotions, as can yoga asanas. So get on your yoga mat.

I still want an extra day at the weekend, but knowing human nature I might then just fill it up with more things to do and still feel wacked out by Sunday! We are our own worst enemies after all. So although chores and worries will still keep turning up and piling up we can rest assured that our yoga practice helps us get through the week.

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