Inside Yoga 3

Category : Philosophy 7th February 2011

(First published 3/2/2008) Following on from Inside Yoga 2 in which I introduced hatha yoga and its meaning. The basic tenets of yoga are described in the form of “eight limbs” or “steps”. Or alternatively, these can be seen as the eight branches of a tree, all equally connected to the trunk and core. The eight steps are yama, niyama, […]

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Inside Yoga 2

Category : Philosophy 7th February 2011

(First published 14/1/2008) Following on from the first Inside Yoga chapter in which I explained that one principle meaning of yoga is union. There are various types or strands of yoga. Each, ultimately, has the same goal, that of union. In yoga when speaking of union, this state can range from the local (micro) level – that of feeling connected […]

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Inside Yoga 1

Category : Philosophy 7th February 2011

(First publised 6/1/2008) I will begin with the word Yoga. The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root, yuj which means “to join” or “to yoke”. Sanskrit is the ancient language from India which was created as a spiritual language (it was not commonly used in the streets but in the temples by brahmin priests or by vedic scholars). […]

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